Tennessee Committee on Federal Education Funding Begins Monday

by Jon Styf


A Tennessee committee is scheduled to begin its review on the state’s use of federal funding for K-12 education at 2 p.m. on Monday with presentations from Tennessee’s Office of Research and Educational Accountability and the state’s Fiscal Review office.

The Joint Working Group on Federal Education Funding is scheduled to hear from education and financial experts during two weeks of committee meetings as state leaders evaluate the possibility of rejecting federal education funding coming to Tennessee.

Federal funding sent $10.4 billion coming to the state’s schools between 2019 and 2023. The state’s 142 school districts received between $314 and $2,500 per student in federal funds, a Sycamore Institute report showed.

The committee currently has meetings schedule for Monday afternoon, throughout Tuesday and then Wednesday morning before having additional meetings schedule Nov. 14 and 15.

The United States Department of Education is expected to give a presentation at Wednesday’s meeting along with the National Conference of State Legislators.

Sycamore Institute Executive Director Brian Straessle is expected to present the group’s research on Tuesday.

Later Tuesday, school district leaders Matt Hixson of Hawkins County, Marlon King of Jackson-Madison County and Toni Williams of Memphis-Shelby County will attend the meeting.

Districts received an average of $7.9 million in funding with Shelby County schools receiving $192.5 million on the high end and the single-school Richland City Special School District in Marion County receiving $311,000.

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Jon Styf is a staff reporter at The Center Square.



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4 Thoughts to “Tennessee Committee on Federal Education Funding Begins Monday”

  1. Fed Education Dollars used as Bribe

    Federal Dept of Ed is nothing more than a money laundering operation pushing anti-American propaganda with our tax dollars as the Bribe.
    We send our money to DC then they offer it back in grants to States with requirements to teach CRT & other destructive indoctrination of our Children. I’d like to see our State say NO Thank You. President Trump promises to Abolish the Fed Dept of Ed which dies not have a Constitutional mandate. We keep our money, & we teach our children what it means to be a good productive American Citizen. The Left has been successful using our money to bribe States to adopt their Leftist Propaganda.


    Money is not the answer to good education. I would think these rocket scientist running the system would see that we spend more money today than ever before and have the dumbest students in history of this country. But that is the problem we have woke idiots running the show and that is not just at the federal level it is at the state level as well. Home school moms do a superior job compared to our public schools and they do it for very little money. I know home school mothers that pay nothing and produce high achieving children academically and emotionally. AND they do it in 4 hours per day. So lets kick the US Dept. of Ed to the curb and get back to what education was 50 years ago. Reading (phonics), math, civics (in depth education on the real meaning of our Constitution, Federalist Papers, writings of our founders, Declaration of Independence, Bill of Rights), cursive writing. Get rid of all the mental health crap that classifies children just so the money keeps pouring in from government. AND discipline. If a child is violent that child needs to be removed to the custody of his parents and the parents need to address the issue. Schools are not parents. Schools are also not daycare/babysitting services. And parents need to be held accountable for the care of their children. Stop all food hand out programs. It used to be only poor kids got free meals now we are feeding everyone’s kids and that is because the government wants our kids to grow up thinking it is the job of government to take care of them. Time to suck it up and get back to what schools are for………reading, writing and arithmetic and it can be done for a very minimal cost. Perhaps you should subsidize home school parents without any strings. You would see a lot more kids educated at home where they are safe from the indoctrination provided in the public school system.

  3. Randy

    Forgive me if I don’t put to much stock in publicly available data available through FOIA being provided by a tax exempt organization “The Sycamore Institute” run by government lobbyists looking to score another government contract or grant from politicians that most of the executive board members helped get elected or worked for. Public policy should be made by the public in the best interest of the public. Not for the sake of profit by those created and employed by K-Street. The term non-partisan has been abused at the taxpayers expense once again.

  4. Jay

    Cut the fed funds.
